Anatomy & Physiology

Enroll in online PE, health, or elective classes at Carone Learning

Carone Learning Category: Career
Subject: Science
Recommended Grade Level: 10-12
Course Credit: Two semesters, one full year, 1.0 credit (10 units in CA)
Recommended Pre-Requisites: None
Course Description

In this course, students will explore the structure and function of the human body. Systems of study include integumentary, digestive, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems. In addition, students identify the main anatomical features of the body, review anatomical terminology, and diagram the structure of cells and tissues. They will also learn the function of cells, blood, and sensory organs, as well as study DNA, immunity, and metabolic systems.

This is an intensive course recommended for grades 10-12.

Units & Tasks

This course is divided into the following Units and Sections.

  • Course Introduction
    • Unit 1: Cells & Integumentary System
      • 1.1: Intro to Anatomy
      • 1.2: Cell & Skin Anatomy
      • 1.3: Physiology of Cellular Function
    • Unit 2: Sensory Organs & Digestive System
      • 2.1: Anatomy of Sensory Organs
      • 2.2: Physiology of Sensory Organs
      • 2.3: Anatomy of the Digestive System
      • 2.4: Physiology of the Digestive System
    • Unit 3: Skeletal Systems
      • 3.1: Anatomy of the Axial Skeleton
      • 3.2: Anatomy of the Appendicular Skeleton
      • 3.3 Articulations
      • 3.4 Physiology of the Skeletal System & Joints
    • Unit 4: Muscular System
      • 4.1: Anatomy of the Muscular System I
      • 4.2: Anatomy of the Muscular System II
      • 4.3: Physiology of the Muscular System
      • 4.4: Physiology of the Energy Systems
    • Unit 5: Nervous System
      • 5.1: Anatomy of the Central Nervous System
      • 5.2: Anatomy of the Peripheral Nervous System
      • 5.3: Physiology of the Nervous System I
      • 5.4: Physiology of the Nervous SystemII
    • Unit 6: Circulatory System
      • 6.1: Anatomy of the Circulatory System
      • 6.2: Physiology of the Circulatory System
      • 6.3: Functions of Blood    
    • Unit 7: Respiratory & Urinary Systems
      • 7.1: Anatomy of the Respiratory & Urinary Systems
      • 7.2: Physiology of the Respiratory System
      • 7.3: Physiology of the Urinary System(Schedule is cont’d on next page)
    • Unit 8: Reproductive & Endocrine Systems
      • 8.1: Anatomy of the Reproductive System
      • 8.2: Physiology of the Reproductive System
      • 8.3: Anatomy of the Endocrine & Lymphatic Systems
      • 8.4: Physiology of the Endocrine System
      • 8.5 Physiology of the Lymphatic System & Immunity

Within each section students will find the following tasks to view or complete:

  • Section Checklist—an outline of tasks for each section
  • Lesson—multimedia lessons about the section topic
  • Field Trip—links to online sites and articles with additional information
  • Reflection**—a journal reflecting on material learned
  • Discussion*—asynchronous class discussion about an assigned topic
  • Assignment*—research on an additional Anatomy topic
  • Study Hall—study guides and vocabulary tools to reinforce terms and concepts
  • Anatomy Check—flash-card activity to aid with anatomy identification
  • Content Quiz*—assessment of lesson and vocabulary comprehension
  • Anatomy Quiz*—assessment testing identification of anatomical structure

*The items noted with an asterisk above are those that must be submitted for a grade.

**The Reflection activity is found only in the Physiology sections. The Anatomy Quiz is found only in the Anatomy sections.

***A unit exam will be found at the end of every unit, as well as a comprehensive final exam at the end of the course.


Each section of this course is designed to be completed in about one week’s time. However, if you have less time to complete the course, you may need to move through the sections more quickly. Your teacher may also have a set schedule he/she would prefer you to use. Check with your instructor if you have any questions.

Parent & Teacher Guides

Parent and teacher guides available.


There are no required materials for this course.

Enroll in online PE, health, or elective classes at Carone Learning