So you’re interested in an online PE course? You’re not alone! Carone Learning* has successfully met the needs of thousands of students looking for an alternative option for physical education. Read on to see if you can relate to our top five list of reasons students take online PE through Carone Learning.
5. Get School Credit
Most middle schools and high schools require one or more PE classes in order to graduate. Some students may need to recover credit. Other students wish to take additional elective classes during the school day, but just don’t have enough room in their schedule. Online PE is an ideal way to earn that physical education credit you need. As an accredited school Carone Learning’s Carone Learning Academy can issue an official transcript with credit that can be transferred to your registered school.
4. Get out of PE in School
While many schools offer quality PE programs, taking PE at school is a deterrent to some students. Getting sweaty during the school day, dealing with showers or locker room issues, or even exercising in a group environment can be uncomfortable. Being able to work on a course on your own from the security of your home or just about ANY location is huge plus to online PE.
3. Choose Your Activities
In addition to choosing your location, being able to choose your activities is another advantage. While Carone Learning’s courses focus on health-enhancing levels of physical activity (cardio, strength, and flexibility), students can pick and choose their own activities within the parameters of the course. Students that are participating in an exercise program, such as dance, group sports, or individual sports, can even count that activity they are already doing towards their PE class requirements.
When students choose activities they enjoy, they are more likely to get started and stick with it over time. This sets students up for a continuous healthy lifestyle—which is, after all, the goal of a quality physical education.
2. Flexibility
Although students do focus on their muscular flexibility (as well as cardiovascular health and muscle strength) we are referring to situational flexibility here. Students have the flexibility to work on their courses ANYTIME ANYWHERE—all they need is internet access. While students are encouraged to complete class work on a regular basis, there are no set times a student has to be online and no strict due dates for assignments (with the exception of weekly fitness logs). Students can work at their own pace—as fast or slow as needed. In completing the physical activity requirement, as noted, they have the flexibility to choose when, where, and how they want to exercise.
Because Carone Learning Academy offers a rolling enrollment, students can also enroll in a course at any time. (Note: During the enrollment process, students can choose to “start now” or pick a future start date).
1. A Personalized Program
Choosing when, where, and how to exercise are just one part of our individualized PE program. Carone Learning’s courses are student-centric and goal oriented. Students establish their base level of fitness, set personalized goals for improvement, and, with structured guidance, develop their own exercise program. They regularly track their milestones and successes. There is no comparison to other students’ fitness levels or progress.
Throughout a course students also learn about the principles of fitness and how to train properly. They analyze how those principles apply directly to themselves and learn how to adjust their program as needed.
Even students with academic or physical limitations can still participate in a Carone Learning online PE class, as the requirements can be adjusted to cater to these specific needs. (Note: Be sure to discuss any issues with the teacher up front. The Adaptive PE course is recommended for students with physical limitations).
In addition to developing a personalized program, students are supported by highly qualified instructors—kind of like having your own online personal trainer to provide motivation and assistance. Not only do teachers proactively call, send emails and reminders, and provide constructive feedback on assignments, they are available by email, phone, or online meeting to answer questions as needed.

With our high quality PE curriculum, dedicated instructors, and commitment to student success, Carone Learning’s online physical education courses are an ideal way to learn proper fitness principles, work towards a healthy lifestyle, and earn school credit.