What Is Health Education?

health wordHealth education is so much more than just nutrition and fitness. It teaches students about all aspects of health, including mental, emotional, social, academic, environmental, and consumer health. Students learn not only about each of these aspects of health, but also about how these many aspects work together. Health education, in short, revolves around the whole individual.

Our courses at Carone Learning focus on all dimensions of health. Students complete our courses with a strong mind for what contributes to well-rounded personal health. Here is a look at the many different aspects of health that health education addresses.

Physical health

Of course, health education teaches students about how an active lifestyle and proper nutrition contribute to strong physical health. Students learn about healthy exercise practices, living a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, illness and injury treatment, and more.

Mental health

Mental health affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we cope with stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Students of mental health learn about how to relieve stress, find mental balance, make decisions rationally, and more.

Emotional health

Related to mental health is emotional health. An emotionally healthy person can handle success as well as defeat, cope with everyday problems and stresses, and manage responsibilities with a stable mind. Students of emotional health learn that it is about managing emotions as they come and coping with them constructively.

Social health

Social health refers to the quality of the relationships you have with family members, friends, neighbors, and other people you interact with. Central to strong social health is developing strong communication skills. Students of social health learn about how to build stronger relationships and improve their communication skills.

Intellectual health

Intellectual or academic health refers to a person’s ability to open the mind to new ideas and experiences. An intellectually healthy person has a desire to learn new concepts, improve skills, and seek new challenges. Students learning about intellectual health will learn how lifelong learning contributes to personal decision making, community betterment, and everyday interactions with others.

Environmental health

Environmental health has to do with a person’s relationship with the environment around them. Environmentally healthy people take responsibility for the quality of the air, water, and land around them. Students learning about environmental health learn about how to positively impact the environment, live sustainably, create a health-promoting home environment, and more.

Learn more about health education at Carone Learning.