Meet Student of the Week Sheila E!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Sheila E.!  Sheila is currently taking Fitness Fundamentals 1 as an independent study course through Carone Learning’s cFitness Academy.  Learn a little more about Sheila and find out what she likes most about her course, teacher, and flexible online learning program.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I enjoy how convenient and motivational the course is.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

From this course I learned that if you take small steps to improve your fitness, it can lead to positive outcomes that’s impact your life both physically and emotionally.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Every week I can monitor my improvement.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up to get credits for school but ended up enjoying the course because it motivated me to find time for physical activity in my schedule.

Here’s what Sheila’s teacher had to say about her: 

“She has finished up all of her work already, except the fitness logs. Her course is not over for a few more months, however , she has completed all of the assignments, and the journals.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Sheila is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Sheila!

Meet Student of the Week Baleigh W!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Baleigh W.!
Baleigh is currently taking First Aid and Safety. She really enjoys it, and finds it helpful for everyday life.


What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like that I can work at my own pace, that way I can ensure I’m doing all my assignments up to my full potential.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

Considering that I am taking first aid, I have learned how to evaluate a person whom may be ill or injured. By doing this, I can see signs when a person isn’t acting right. This will help to detect injuries or illnesses early on, which could potentially save someone’s life.

Has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Yes, it has taught me things to do, to keep me clean and healthy. Even small things and habits I start can improve my heath over time.

Has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Yes, very much so. Mrs. Wheelwright keeps up with my progress and sends me emails every so often to let me know how I am doing. By doing this, it helps me stay on track.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I had finished my first online class with plenty of time to spare. I didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing. I am currently in a Patient Care Technician class at our Career and Technical Center. By taking First Aid, I can already see vocabulary and skills that I have learned in both classes that go together.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I believe this class has already helped me tremendously and I have not even completed it. I have learned so many things that will benefit me as I continue my education to become a Registered Nurse.

Here’s what Baleigh’s teacher had to say about her: 

Baleigh pays attention to detail and is very thorough and thoughtful with the work she does.

In Baleigh’s First Aid class she has been exploring how to help others in many situations.  As part of an assignment she identified how to help others in the scene of an accident.    

Question: What are some clues that would tell Alex that the scene is not safe to approach? Once the scene is deemed safe, what should Alex do to assess the people involved in the car accident?

Baleigh’s Response: Some clues that would tell Alex the scene was not safe to approach would be the road conditions, if he could see blood inside the cars, or if the cars kept sliding due to the conditions of the road. If it was deemed safe, he should go to each victim and ask them if they were okay, if they were in pain, and if they didn’t answer in some way, he would know that they were unconscious. He should then call the ambulance and fire department. He should not try to move the victims only stay with them to make sure nothing else happens.

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Baleigh is great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Baleigh!

Meet Kristin B! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Kristin B.!

Kristin is currently taking Physiology through Carone Learning’s cFitness Academy.  Learn a little more about Kristin and find out what she likes most about our courses, teachers, and flexible online learning program.SOW_KristinB

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

A few things I really enjoy about my Carone Learning course is that I can set my pace and go quicker or slower each week as long as I meet my deadline, and that I can have a good one-on-one with my instructor, either by emails or phone calls.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

My goal is to become a Registered Nurse, so the anatomy and physiology from Carone Learning are exposing me to what I would be learning in post-secondary education.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Carone Learning has helped my improve my level of health by teaching me some of the important functions my body performs – like what foods I need for proper digestion, or to keep my hair healthy.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My instructor has been a big help by explaining how the course works, what pace I should keep to make sure I get everything done in time, and material I do not understand; also, has been very encouraging since I started my courses.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a Carone Fitness Academy because I really wanted to take anatomy and physiology, but could not fit it into my high-school schedule. It has been a beneficial course because now I am exposed to what I will be majoring in during college, and it is good to know about your body.

Here’s what Kristen’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Kristin is a great student. She communicates well, works on pace, and shows a strong understanding of the content.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Kristin is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Kristin!