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Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Yash C.! Yash took Fitness Fundamentals 1 where he really enjoyed the structure of the course. He also enjoyed what it taught him about creating a fitness schedule and is very excited about the results he saw while implementing his fitness routine.
What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?
The thing I love most about my Carone Learning course is the structure of the program. The assignments are interesting, varied, interactive, and all-encompassing, making it all the more motivating to keep learning.
What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?
Among the numerous tips and tricks the course has taught me, the one thing I will benefit most from is how to create a workout schedule. By learning to create and then following my workout schedule, I not only increased the number of workout hours without messing up my daily schedule but was able to increase the intensity of my exercises gradually.
How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?
Carone Fitness has significantly helped me improve my level of fitness by helping me create a workout schedule, teaching me what exercises to do and when, advising me on when to stretch and how to prevent injuries, and instructing me on warm-ups and cool-downs. This has led to me building stamina, flexibility, strength, agility, and more.
How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?
Ms. Watts, my cFitness instructor, has been absolutely phenomenal in interacting with me via emails, sending both reports of the course and personal check-ups, and in grading assignments expeditiously. Most assignments are graded in just 1 day!
Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?
I signed up for a course through cFitness Academy because it provided me with the flexibility that I needed from an online P.E. course.
Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.
This class is so much better than a regular online P.E. course!
Here’s what Yash’s teacher had to say about him:
“Yash is eager to learn and goes the extra mile on his assignments. He is also very excited about the fitness progress he is making!”
In Fitness Fundamentals 1 Yash was asked to come up with a set of rules for a sport and state why or how that rules keeps you safe, he chose cycling.
Cycling Rule 1: Always wear a helmet. This prevents injury to the head in the event of a collision. Rule 2: If you are riding on sidewalks, always ride opposing the flow of traffic to ensure that they can see you and you can see them. Rule 3: If you are riding on the streets, always follow traffic and keep with the pace to avoid collisions. Rule 4: Always look both ways before making turns and check your blind spots. Rule 5: Be using your senses; use your ears and eyes to understand the environment around you and make judgments based on that. Rule 6: Make sure to yield to traffic when it is their right of way or when merging to a large roadway. Rule 7: Ride in the right-most lane to avoid irritated drivers and prevent slowing traffic too much. Rule 8: Use your arms as turn indicators to inform traffic you plan to turn.
Just as all of our students are unique, we think Yash is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Yash!
Nutritionists and trainers are often asked, “Which energy or granola bar is the healthiest?” The answers come in as many varieties as there are bars on the market. Truth be told, the healthiest choice is the one you make from scratch in your own kitchen. Any bar on the market is processed and packaged and will undoubtedly contain some preservatives or other ingredients that are best not consumed. Try this recipe, or experiment with your own favorite ingredients to come up with your perfect bar.
Melt first three ingredients together, remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. Press into a 9×13 pan and refrigerate until set. Cut into bars and enjoy.
During these winter months, you should take extra precautions if exercising outdoors or in the cold. Below are some tips for exercising in the cold.
If you try to increase your exercise too quickly you can get hurt. While it is important to exercise, it is more to exercise safely. As you start your exercise routine, use these six tips to stay safe and injury free. Continue reading “Exercise Safely”
Developing a habit of exercise while you are young is important. While the idea of going to the gym every day may seem daunting, you can and should sneak exercise into your every day. Any movement is exercise, from walking up the stairs to squatting down to pick something up, the key is to just do a little more of it. Use these 6 tips below to sneak exercise into your every day to help you stay fit. Continue reading “Sneaking Exercise Into Your Every Day”
You probably know that going for a run a few times a week can improve your health significantly, but the benefits of running carry far beyond simply burning calories and strengthening your lungs. Here is a look at just a few of the many health benefits of running. Continue reading “The Many Health Benefits of Running”
Exercise science studies human movement from a variety of perspectives, including historical, developmental, mechanical, motor control, psychological, physiological, and pathological. Students in the field will study a variety of subjects, including how exercise affects the body, how to prevent injury and illness, how to condition the body, and how muscles, skin, and tissue all work together in the human body. Those who study exercise science tend to have a natural interest in health, physical fitness, and biology. Read on to learn about the many different facets of exercise science, and what you can do with a background in this field. Continue reading “What Is Exercise Science?”
What is the proper lifting tempo? Resistance training can be done at slow, medium, or explosive speeds. We sometimes get stuck in a rut with the same routine, but mixing up the tempo of our lifting can be beneficial. New research shows that the mechanoreceptors that sense stimuli in joints, muscles, and ligaments are more efficient when the tempo is changed. This will make injury less likely, and help us move better.
Try lifting at a new tempo, such as:
When you have mastered this tempo, increase the speed to:
After two weeks, change it up to a higher, more explosive speed tempo:
Muscles become adapted to the workload placed on them, and by changing it every couple of weeks, plateaus can be avoided.
Does your workplace encourage a healthy lifestyle? More and more employers are recognizing the need for healthy employees and encouraging their staffs to exercise, eat right, and manage stress levels.
It makes sense for companies to invest in wellness in the workplace:
If your employer does not have a wellness program in place, volunteer to start one or find a company that specializes in corporate wellness. Workplace challenges can be fun and increase morale.