Meet Brooklyn A. Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Brooklyn really enjoyed what she learned in her Carone Learning course. Taking Exercise Science she learned about taking her heart rate properly and that there are many aspects to fitness that affect individuals differently.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course? I have loved the experience that Carone Learning has offered me this semester! I have beyond strengthened my knowledge in the exercise sciene field of education. I find the layout of the course super easy to adhere to and is very beneficial to my learning. I plan to major in exercise science/physical therapy in college, so I feel that this class has helped to further my education in preparation for that journey later in my life!

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life? I think that throughout the exercise science course, the basic skills that it has taught me how to preform will help me the most. An example would be how to take your heart rate or simple tasks like these. They may seem like common sense sometimes, but they are crucial information to know!

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness? I feel that this Carone Learning course has made a humongous difference on how I view physical fitness. It has shown me that everyone is different and not every physical activity will be beneficial for everyone. It has also shown me that so much more plays into physical fitness than just working out. It is about so much more, such as nutrition, sleep, and mental wellness!

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals? I have always felt so supported by my instructor, Anne Kooyman! I am a completely virtual student this school year due to the covid-19 pandemic and I know that as sad as it is, the virtual teachers often look at their virtual students work as a second job that can be done whenever they get around to it. I know that teachers are very busy with one job, so two is surely a handful! With this being said, I have never felt this way with my instructor for this course. If I have questions, she always answers me within hours! I have loved having such an amazing instructor this semester and couldn’t have asked for anything more!

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial? I signed up for this course online because I am working to educate myself in the medical field as much as possible before heading off to college! I feel that if I can get a head start on the information, it will already be familiar and take some of the stress of college off of my shoulders initially! I found this to be very beneficial personally because I thought this was a very well set up class to learn in an online setting without making it too complex, but still challenging!

Please share any other comments you have about CFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course: Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed taking this course this semester and loved how Carone Learning presented the class! I hope to take more classes through Carone Learning in the future!

Here’s what Brooklyn’s teacher had to say about her: “Brooklyn has done a fantastic job in Exercise Science. She reaches out when she has questions and consistently turns in great work. Great job Brooklyn!” – Mrs. Kooyman