Why Online PE?

High school students these days are often turning to online lWhy Online PE?earning to help them get the credit they need for graduation. Online math, science, and language arts are now considered mainstream, but what about PE? Is there a need for online PE? Why are students turning to an online physical education solution?

Three Reasons Why Students Take Online PE

1. Need for a flexible schedule.
One of the most common reasons students take an online course is the need for a flexible schedule. Oftentimes students want to take additional elective courses during the school day—foreign language, band, choir, drama, wood shop—there’s too many good options! Taking online PE or health classes frees up a period so students can take an additional class of their choice.

Additionally, students want the flexibility to take the course how, when, and where they want. Online learning provides that anytime, anywhere flexibility. We often work with students who have limited schedules because they are training for the Olympics, traveling concert pianists, or focusing early on a career. However, this need for flexibility is also seen as a major factor for almost every student we have—whether they are a premiere athlete or a struggling teen. Online learning provides the freedom for students to work on classes at their own pace and however they see fit.

2. Don’t want to exercise at school.
There’s a variety of reasons a student may not want to attend gym class at school. For one thing, the locker room scene can be an uncomfortable situation. Plus, having to change your clothes, shower, and redo your make up or hair in a matter of minutes is less than ideal. Getting hot and sweaty in the middle of the school day is not generally something to look forward to. So many students opt to keep their clothes on during school and take an online PE class where they can choose to exercise at a time that is more convenient to them.

3. Setting the stage for life long fitness.
Although there are certainly some great in-school physical education programs out there, more often than not, they focus on playing group sports and learning the rules of the game. Yes, these are great skills to have, but how well do they set a student up for life long fitness? What are the life management and personal fitness skills a student needs to have to help them be healthy and fit for the rest of their lives? Because of the personal nature of online learning, a virtual environment is actually an ideal setting for learning about personal health and fitness. Students learn principles about health and fitness and practice applying those principles to their own lives and workouts.

Although online learning may not be for everyone, there’s a variety of reasons an online PE course is the perfect fit for many students. Carone Learning is the premiere provider of online PE and health courses. Learn more today!