Meet Jesalyn K.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Jesalyn K.! Jesalyn took both Health & Personal Wellness and Fitness Fundamentals 1 at the same time. She did an amazing job, while also in school and playing softball. She enjoyed the freedom or working through her course at her own pace as well as the direction and support from her instructor.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course? I like the freedom to work through the courses at my own pace and I very much appreciate the direction and support that my teacher gives me.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life? I have learned many techniques on how to exercise safely and how to keep my body healthy and strong.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness? These courses have allowed me to track my progress throughout the months and become more athletic in order to benefit me in health and my future.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals? She has given me much support and help throughout my course when I had questions and has helped me achieve my goals of improving my athletic ability.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial? I signed up for this course because I wanted to take an extra academic class in high school. The courses have been beneficial because it has allowed me to learn about how to take care of myself and make sure I am healthy.

Here’s what Jesalyn’s teacher had to say about her: She’s doing great in both courses while in school and playing softball! Her work is very through and well thought out.

Meet Kaitlyn K.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Kaitlyn K.!  Kaitlyn took Health and Personal Wellness so she can earn her health credit in school. She was able to make some lifestyle changes because of what she learned from the course.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course? The flexibility of when assignments are due.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life? Health taught me a lot about my lifestyle and how to make myself healthier. I believe the contents are something I would always look back and realize if I should make changes.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness? It has increased my awareness of my personal wellness.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals? The weekly reports really help me get on top of my schedule.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial? I signed up for this online course because health is a graduation requirement at my state.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness academy or your carone learning course. Through learning the contents, I started to reflect on my lifestyle more and make appropriate changes.

ere’s what Kaitlyn’s teacher had to say about her: Kaitlyn does a great job staying with the course pace, she comes across as a very caring person in her work. She is also doing great at her health habit of getting to bed earlier so her daily routine is more sound.

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Kaitlyn is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Kaitlyn!

Meet MacKenzie B.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, MacKenzie B.!  MacKenzie liked the assignments of her Exercise Science course because she was able to use the information to improve her health and reach her fitness goals. Her course also taught her time management, responsibility and self-motivation.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course? I really enjoy being able to work at my own pace and being able to work at times that are convenient for my schedule.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life? My Carone Learning course has taught me time management, responsibility, and self motivation.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness? My Carone Learning course had assignments to create programs to improve my own or a patients health. I was able to complete these assignments and use them to help myself reach goals in my athletics.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals? Ms. Kooyman has been so helpful! She has helped me through computer difficulties several times this year. She always helps me if I have questions about assignments, and she sends me encouraging emails with feedback about my work.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial? I love math and science, and I plan to enter a career in the health industry. My school is small, and it does not offer many health related classes. I needed another class this year, so my counselor helped me find this online course. It been very beneficial to my health knowledge.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness academy or your carone learning course. The Exercise Science course does a really great job at taking students’ general science and math knowledge and appling it to how exercise affects the body. It also gives students a good foundation for the Exercise Science field. I plan to major in Exercise Science in college and would recommend this course to other students interested in the field.

Here’s what MaKenzie’s teacher had to say about her: “Mackenzie has been a fantastic student. She has done a wonderful job on her assignments and is working on some great fitness goals. Good work, Mackenzie!”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think MaKenzie is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, MaKenzie!

Meet Madison G.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Madison G.!  Madison learned a few habits she had were unhealthy, her course helped her to make decisions that helped her be healthier. She was also able to meet many of her goals with her hard work and encouragement from her instructor.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course? The Carone Learning course has allowed me to meet my fitness goals while still having a busy schedule. The biggest hurdle I have had to jump is my own time, but with Carone Learning, there are no more excuses for me not to meet my goals.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life? I have learned a lot about the importance of balance in maintaining your health. With your diet, your workout regime, etc., balance is key and this course has helped me

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness? The Carone Learning course has held me accountable for a lot of the decisions I was making that I did not even realize were unhealthy.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals? My cFitness Academy instructor is very encouraging and attentive, which makes meeting my goals and doing my course work that much easier.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial? I signed up for this course because I did not have the time to take a PE course in high school and my counselor recommended it to me. Taking this course online has made it so that I can meet my goals, hold a stable routine, and get my credit for high school.

Here’s what Madison’s teacher had to say about her:  “Madison is always submitting high quality work that is well thought out and meeting all the requirements. I particularly like that she brings in many of her personal experiences and areas of knowledge to expound on questions and problems in the assignments, it adds a nice personal touch and hopefully helps her make better connections as well. She also is a diligent student–staying on top of her work and keeping on track rather than falling behind. She also keeps in touch with me and asks questions regularly or replies when I have concerns. Madison has worked hard on her fitness and health goals as well and has made good progress.”

In Madison’s comprehensive PE course they discuss the media’s impact on body image. Here are her thoughts about it. “As a Psychology major, I am very familiar with the research done on media’s impact on body image. The current societal pressures present unrealistic expectations for men and women. The conditioned responses that come from these negative body images create eating disorders, diet stressors, body dysmorphia, anxiety (GAD), etc. Society pressures women to be thin as a sign of being physically fit and men to be muscular as a sign of being physically fit. I have personal experience with the negative repercussions of these toxic ideas of beauty, which is why a healthy lifestyle is so important to me now. However, I am not society’s idea of what “in shape” should be. I am not a size 0 and my thighs touch. I am muscular and have a more athletic, which is not society’s idea of “fit” despite the fact that I am in better shape than most.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Madison is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Madison!

Meet Hailyn P.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Hailyn P.!  Hailyn took our course to gain PE credits for graduation. She liked that she learned how to schedule her fitness, continually work toward her goals, and target each muscle.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?
The thing that I like most about my Carone Learning course is the fact that I didn’t just learn how to stay fit. I also learned basic anatomy and food groups and how the body works. This will definitely be useful to me in the future.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?
Something that I learned in my Carone Learning course that will help me most in my life is how to make a workout schedule and stay on path to achieving my goals. I think that staying motivated to break down barriers is so satisfying, and it can be used in many contexts, not just fitness.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness? Carone Learning has definitely helped me improve my level of health and fitness because it was something that kept me exercising for a certain amount of time each week. It also had me target almost every single muscle in the body, and focused on stretching and strengthening.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?
My cFitness Academy instructor has helped me with my course and goals by being very motivational. On all of my assignments, I would receive encouraging comments, and I would be sent emails from my instructor with tips on how to stay on track with my course, and how to perform different exercises to target all my muscle groups

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?
I signed up for a course through cFitness Academy because I needed more physical education credits in order to graduate. This online course has been beneficial because I am definitely more aware about my fitness level and I am so much more educated about anatomy/physiology than I was before.

Here’s what Hailyn’s teacher had to say about her: 
” Hailyn has continually provided high quality work, kept in close communication with me throughout the course, and was willing to make the time to get caught up in the course when she fell behind. She’s also made great progress with her fitness and health goals throughout the course, even though it’s been a short amount of time. ”

In Hailyn’s Advanced PE course they discuss symptoms of being out of shape – here is what she said:
“Symptoms that I have experienced when being “out of shape” is the loss of breath, more cramping, fatigue, headaches, high resting heart rate, mood swings, and weak/aching muscles. Symptoms that I have experienced when being “in shape” are being able to exercise without feeling winded, lower resting heart rate, less anxiety/stress, more energy, and less cramping. In general, when someone is in shape, less stress is shown by the body while exercising. The person usually feels happier when in shape and is healthier.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Hailyn is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Hailyn!

Meet Caroline G.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Caroline G.!  Caroline took Individual Sports through Carone Learning. She appreciated being able to work at her own pace and make her workout something she really enjoys, which also helps her stay consistent.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?
I appreciate that I can work at my own pace, and learn when it works best for me. I can also choose my own workouts, so I can do what I enjoy.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?
I have learned how to create a sustainable workout schedule that I can follow to stay consistent with my exercising.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?
This class has encouraged me to start working out regularly and add fitness into my daily routine, which helps me to increase my level of fitness. Heidi Richards always gives thoughtful responses and feedback to my assignments, helping to guide my progress through the course.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?
I chose to sign up for an online course because I wanted more freedom and independence in my PE class. It has helped me to be in charge of my own learning and exercise.

Here’s what Carolines’s teacher had to say about her: 
“She is excelling in the course and submitting excellent assignments consistently. She has really tried to get into her exercise routines as well and make them a fun and regular part of her life. “

In Caroline’s Individual Sports course they are asked to make a sports magazine article. Here is what she came up with:

“Get Fit the Best Way Possible!

          It is very important to live a healthy lifestyle, and one component of being healthy is fitness. However, fitness can be dangerous if you do not do it safely.

          To have a successful and safe workout, you should start with a warmup. You should make sure to warm up before every workout. Without a warmup, you could get stiff, sore, or injured.  A warmup is important for many reasons. It helps to warm up your muscles and increase your oxygen consumption and blood flow, helping your body to perform better during a workout. Warmed up muscles are less likely to tear and a warmup prevents a lactic acid buildup, helping you to work out for longer. The warmup gets your body ready for the exercise, so it should be a lower intensity of the activity you will do. If you want to run, you should start with walking. It can also include mild stretching. The warmup should be about 5-10 minutes and increase slowly in intensity.

          After the workout, a cooldown is just as important as the warmup. A cooldown allows your body to slow down. This is important so the blood doesn’t pool in your feet and continues to cycle to all the vital organs. It is also important for cooling down the muscles gradually to prevent tightening, stiffness, and soreness. Once your breathing is back to normal, you should always stretch. Stretching helps to improve and restore flexibility to contracted muscles, and after a workout is an ideal time to stretch because the muscles are still warm, so you are less likely to get injured. Stretching should be static, not bouncing, and can be held at the point of tension for 10-30 seconds. Be careful not to stretch too far and stop if it is hurting.

          Besides warming up and cooling down, there are other important safety guidelines that you should be aware of to stay safe. Never swim by yourself because you could drown. Don’t exercise outside in a thunderstorm or other bad weather. When exercising at night, it is best to wear lightly-colored or reflective clothing and bring a flashlight. You should also bring a friend with you. Make sure to use the appropriate protective gear, like a helmet when biking or rollerblading or a harness when rock climbing. Make sure to stay hydrated, drinking before, after, and during a workout. Always follow the traffic rules, and be careful and aware when working out.

          If you follow these tips, you can have the safest and most enjoyable workouts possible. Have fun and be smart!”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Caroline is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Caroline!

Meet Bryn M.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Bryn M.!  Bryn took both of the intro to nursing courses. She enjoyed learning the history of nursing along with many things she can take with her into her future career.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like being able to learn lessons on my own while being guided with Power points and deadlines to have.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I learn very many helpful lessons but the most important is the history and how nursing became so powerful today.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She helps keep me on track and helps with various questions I may have.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

My school introduced me to it since it would be beneficial for my future. I learned many lessons I can take with me.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I think the course is a great course with independence but also helps guide to make you successful.

Here’s what Bryn’s teacher had to say about her: 

” Bryn did amazing in Nursing 1 and dove right in to Nursing 2 – they are hard courses but she is dedicated to learning the field. She said she has an interest in the field since her niece was born and spend time in the NICU. She very much shows that interest in her work.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Bryn is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Bryn!

Meet Alyson H.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Alyson H.!  Alyson was enrolled in Medical Terminology with us. She plans to become a radiology technician and wanted to learn more before entering that field. She was able to enroll in our course and learn information that her school doesn’t offer. 

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

What I liked most about The Medical Terminology course was that the course was very easy to navigate. It is also important to me to be able to progress through the assignments at my own pace.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I want to work in the medical field as a radiology technician. This course gives me knowledge in the medical field that are not available in my school.


How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My instructor helped me throughout the course by sending me emails about progress reports. My teacher also answered all of my questions that I had for her about assignments.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for this course because I felt like it was very important to get to know about the human body. This class was beneficial to me because I felt like I advanced my understanding of the human body. I also think that this class was beneficial because my high school doesn’t have any medical classes to take.


Here’s what Alyson’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Throughout the course, Alyson has shown a desire to learn. I appreciate how she takes responsibility for her own learning. She reaches out when she has questions and follows through with action. ”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Alyson is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Alyson!

Meet Aditya M.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Aditya M.!  He loved the opportunity to constantly improve his fitness and learn about his body in relation to fitness! He also learned how to be accountable to himself for his workouts.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like that it’s so extensive and broad. I get to constantly improve and learn!

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I have learned how to keep myself accountable for my workouts.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

I am slowly increasing my strength

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has also kept me accountable 🙂

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I wanted to take a PE course on my own terms and do activities that I enjoyed

Here’s what Aditya’s teacher had to say about him: 

“He has taken two courses with us and has continued to work hard and submit high quality work. He’s made great progress with his health and fitness goals over the last several months and continues to set new goals. He has also shown that he’s incorporated the information from the course in his routines to improve them and himself.”

In Aditya’s Advanced PE 2 they discussed routine vs variety and what the benefits of each are as well as the differences in seeing results. Here is Aditya’s response: 

“There are many benefits to both having a set routine and trying a variety of workouts. With a routine, it’s is possible to see steady, incremental improvements in performance. Also, as Joyce has noticed, it is sometimes easier to keep up with a regular fitness routine since we are creatures of habit. However, doing the same exercises over and over again, can leave our muscles adapted to these specific exercises. Thus, sometimes trying a variety of workouts (like Rita does) can help prevent this muscular adaptation. I think consistency is more important to see results, so I think having a set routine would be better. It will allow to get stronger over time and see improvements. However, to prevent muscular adaptation, it’s useful to at least switch up your routine sometimes. ”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Aditya is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Aditya!

Meet Jasmine B.! Carone Learning Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Jasmine B.!  Jasmine was really excited to learn key terms in her medical terminology course that will transfer over to her future career as a nurse. She was also glad to learn about keeping her body in shape and eating right.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I enjoy increasing my knowledge about my future career as a nurse.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I have learned the key terms of medical terminology, which will transfer over to the nursing field.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

With my medical terminology class, I have learned to keep my health in top shape by working out and eating beneficial foods.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She updates us every week throughout our class and there is always a way to contact her. She has also been helpful when we have concerns during the class.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I knew the class would prepare me for my future career.

Here’s what Jasmine’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Jasmine is doing great in Medical Terminology! She’s done a fantastic job on her assignments and assessments. I also appreciate that she is aware of her pacing, always right on time!”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Jasmine is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Jasmine!