Meet Maxwell S.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Maxwell S.!  Max is in Middle school health and has learned a lot about nutrition and mental health. He’s become much more conscious of the food he eats and is more aware of how to help and act around those that are suffering from mental health issues.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

What I like best about the Carone learning course, it that I can do my school work in between other activities during summer vacation. I feel that the lessons really make me think about how the topics effect me and my life.SOW-MaxS

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I am learning a lot about mental health and nutrition. The course has taught me much more about these subjects, and how to deal with people suffering from mental health issues. As far as nutrition, I have learned more about the food choices that I make and how to read labels on the food that my family buys.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

I feel that I am more aware of my physical and emotional wellness because of the lessons that I have learned so far. I have learned that I need to be more active and think about the food choices that I make throughout the week.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Ms. Wheelwright has been really nice to work with. She always lets me know how I am doing and is always letting me know that she is available if I need help. This is my first online course and it has been a great experience so far.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for this course because I have a full year of band and language this year. I was not able to fit in my health class requirement, so I signed up for this class on summer break. I find the course beneficial because I can do it in the morning when I have time to sit down and focus on the material.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

This online course is very flexible and I feel that I have learned a lot of good material that will help me think about things differently as I get older. I definitely think that the lessons that I have done have made me learn the material much better, and think about how it relates to me and my personal wellness. I actually am enjoying the course..

Here’s what Maxwell’s teacher had to say about him: 

“Max is very thoughtful in his discussion responses and turns in amazingly well done assignments. He also has some really fun hobbies that I’ve enjoyed learning about through him, like sailing.”

In Maxwell’s health class there is a unit on communication. Maxwell did an amazing job on coming up with ‘I’ statements which help share feelings without sounding like you are blaming the other person. Here’s an example from his work:

You Statement: Stop teasing me!  You are so mean!

“I” Statement: I feel angry when you tease me, because it is not always funny to me.

This is a ‘You’ and ‘I’ statement that Maxwell came up with all on his own – you can really hear the difference in how the statements sound.


You” Statement: How could you forget my birthday, I hate you .

  “I” Statement: I feel sad when you forgot my birthday because I feel that you don’t care   about me .

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Maxwell is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Maxwell!

Meet Kayla F.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Kayla F.!  Kayla was recently in Fitness Fundamentals 2 – she feels she was able to improve her health by being realistic in her goals, she was glad that she was able to learn good goal setting practices and have the flexibility to make the goals she specifically wanted to work on with her fitness.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

The thing that I like most about my Carone Learning course is being able to move through lessons at my own pace.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I have learned that when you are setting a goal you don’t just stop there. You have to have objectives and action plans as well in order to help you reach your goal. From now on when I have a goal in life whether it relates to fitness, health, school, etc. I will always create objectives and an action plan to help me reach that goal.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

My Carone Learning course has helped me improve my level of health and fitness because I now have realistic goals and a plan to reach them. I also have a set workout routine that I try my best to stick to.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My cFitness Academy instructor keeps me updated on how I am doing in the course every week, which helps keep me on pace. She also made it clear that if any of us have any questions or need help with anything we can call or email her and she will help us.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

This course was one of my options recommended for me by my school. Taking this course over the summer helps me to free up my extremely busy school schedule next year.


Here’s what Kayla’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Kayla is very genuine and thoughtful in her work. She does a great job of working hard to do well in class and her discussion posts are always well thought out.”

In Kayla’s Fitness Fundamental’s 2 class there she is able to reflect honestly on her fitness strengths and weaknesses. Being honest is strengths and weaknesses is a great way to move forward with health goals. 

Strongest and Weakest Areas: “I feel that my strongest areas of fitness are my flexibility and my core strength. I think my weakest area of fitness is my upper body strength. I usually focus on building leg muscle and doing cardio because it is easier for me since those are also two of my stronger areas of strength. To improve my upper body strength I can include more lifting and different exercises that work my upper body in my workout routines. I also need to challenge myself by lifting more in order to improve my upper body strength.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Kayla is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Kayla!

Meet Joe L.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Joe L.!  Joe took Family Consumer Science with us. He took this course because some health issues cause him to miss so much school. Joe persevered through the course with his illness and was able to learn information that will be helpful to him through life.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like answering the questions in the quizzes.SOW_JoeL

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

The information on health care is something that I can use my entire life.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Learning about teens health issues helped me understand more about my health.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My instructor e-mails me to keep me on track.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I missed a lot of school because I’ve been sick from Crohn’s Disease. It has been helpful to take this class online whenever I felt like it.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I have really enjoyed my online class so far, I would definitely recommend it.

Here’s what Joe’s teacher had to say about him: 

“Joe has over some so much in the time he’s been in this course. Between serious health issues and learning difficulties, Joe has proven he has tenacity!”

In Joe’s Family and Consumer Science class there is a unit on decision making. Joe has had to make some really hard decisions, because of his health, for such someone so young.

Responses to questions about making difficult decisions:

1. What was the difficult decision you had to make? What made it difficult?

I decided to cancel going on a trip to Los Angeles with my school. I wasn’t feeling good and I knew the trip would be too hard for me. I wanted to go on the trip, but I didn’t feel that good.

2. Describe the process you used to make this decision.

My stomach doesn’t feel that good, so I had to cancel. I knew that the group would be doing a lot of walking and I knew that I would be too tired. My parents took out travel insurance so we wouldn’t lose the money that we paid for the trip. If I stay home, I can keep doing my IV feeds that help me feel better. We did IV feeds when we went to Florida for Christmas and it was hard to get the medicine delivered and set up the pump, so I knew it would be really hard to do in a hotel in LA.

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Joe is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Joe!

Meet Elizabeth C.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Elizabeth C.!  Elizabeth took our Walking PE course over the summer! She really likes that she’s been able to work at her own pace and explore fun, new ways of working out that she wouldn’t have otherwise found. SOW_ElizabethC

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like how the fitness logs encourage me to workout regularly. Since I’ve been working out so regularly, it has become less of a chore and I have begun to look forward to my workouts. By having this exercise requirement, I’m encouraged to find new exercise classes. I’ve been finding lots of new, fun ways to work out.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

The most helpful thing I have learned is the importance of cooling down after a workout. In the past, cooling down and stretching after a workout has been something I’ve just kind of blown off. Since learning about how important cooling down, I’ve been doing that after every single workout and I’ve noticed a huge decrease in my level of soreness after workouts.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

I have been working out almost every day which definitely has increased my fitness level. The biggest difference i have noticed is an increase in my stamina.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Mrs. Richards has been helpful by encouraging me to reach the goals that I’ve set.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for the class because regular gym class didn’t fit in my schedule for next year. This class has been beneficial because it allows me to set my own goals, as opposed to having to reach the goals set for a gym class with a lot of people. It also allows me to workout at my own pace, which I enjoy.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I have really enjoyed my online class so far, I would definitely recommend it.

Here’s what Elizabeth’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Elizabeth is continually on top of her work and does an excellent job. She’s meeting all of her fitness requirements each week and taking the goal setting part seriously as she works to improve her techniques and make progress with her fitness and health goals. Her assignments are well thought out and thorough and is always insightful in her discussion responses.”

In Elizabeth’s Walking Fitness class there is a discussion about the greatest accomplishment through out the course; continue reading to find out Elizabeth’s greatest accomplishment.

Greatest Accomplishment Discussion board:

”My greatest accomplishment has been establishing a workout routine and being able to stick to it. I’ve gotten over the hump of feeling like working out is a chore, and now it’s something I actually look forward to. Because I’ve had to fill out my logs, I’ve been experimenting with lots of different workout types and classes and I’ve been having a lot of fun. The change in viewpoints about exercise is big for me, and it will definitely serve me my whole life through.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Elizabeth is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Elizabeth!

Meet Barrett B.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Barrett B.!  Barrett was enrolled in Health and Personal Wellness, he found the section on diet and nutrition helpful and informative. Barrett B

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like how I can pace all of my assignments, and my work. I don’t have to rush to finish, I can pace myself.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

The section about nutrition and dieting.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

It has helped by informing me how my meal should look, and the amount of nutrition I need every day.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has helped me by always replying whenever I have a question. She also sends me progress reports, so I can know where I am on my pacing.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for this course because I don’t have enough room on my schedule next year to take health. It has been beneficial by informing how to live a more healthy lifestyle.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

cFitness has allowed me to work through health at a pace that fits my schedule. I am being more challenged and learning some great self studying skills because of online health.

Here’s what Barrett’s teacher had to say about him: 

“Barrett is very thoughtful in his responses, he seems to take everything to heart and cares about what he’s learning.”

In Barrett’s Health and Personal Wellness class, there is a section on the grieving process. Barrett was asked how he would help a friend who was grieving. His response shows how caring and accepting he is of others.     

“I would tell them I would be able to talk whenever they wanted to. When they would want to talk, I would be a good listener, and avoid asking a lot of probing questions. I would avoid making suggestions about how something else will make up for the loss. I would be patient, and not force them to talk to me. I would share fond memories. I would respect their process of grieving. Finally, I would write a note saying how sorry I am for them.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Barrett is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Barrett!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week Reed K.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Reed K.!  Reed was able to take into account his health and make sure that things didn’t go wrong while taking Group Sports through cFitness Academy. He also appreciated how easy the course was to navigate.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like the user interface. I took another online PE class and this one is much better because it is more structured and simpler to understand and follow the directions.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

Through the Team Huddles I was able to connect with other kids that were different like me and I felt less alone.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

The video recording encouraged me to go outside and be more conscious of actually trying to get the lesson correct.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Ms. Richards has been very helpful. she has responded immediately to any questions and has encouraged me to do better if my assignment wasn’t exactly what the course was looking for.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I have special considerations with my health and it is a concern that I am monitored. This course allowed me to do PE without any fear of things going wrong.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

cFitness has allowed me to work through health at a pace that fits my schedule. I am being more challenged and learning some great self studying skills because of online health.

Here’s what Reed’s teacher had to say about him: 

“He’s been on top of his work the entire semester and has done an excellent job with all of his work. Communication has also been great and helpful. I’ve really enjoyed working with Reed.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Reed is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Reed!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week, Logan W.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Logan W.!  Logan found it really helpful to have many health myths clarified in his Exercise Science course. He also really enjoyed the extra mile that his teacher, Ms. Kooyman went for him! SOW_LoganW

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I really enjoy the pace and ease of using the class. I also really enjoy the staff that go the extra mile for their students.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I’ve learned a lot in this class, but I would say that the tips and recommendations for exercise are going to help me the most. Now I know about how different systems and your diet work together during exercise, and how to perform them safely and effectively.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

It has really shown me what things are important in physical fitness and what things are just myths. With this new knowledge I think I can now easily set up and effect diet and exercise plan to reach my goals.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has always given me advice and reminded me of what key ideas and points to focus on. She has been willing to help me whenever I’ve bee behind and did know some things I should have. She is very understanding of my prior responsibilities and wishes me luck in every thing I do.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

Well, the reason I took this class is because I had to have a class during my 3rd block. When I noticed Exercise Science was an option it really pulled me to try it, and I definitely think it was a good decision. Taking this course online has been beneficial because I can pace myself and be able to communicate directly to the teacher with out any disruptions, and I also have the entire internet to research and explore new things.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I really enjoy this class, I learn not some thing but a lot of things new everyday.

Here’s what Logan’s teacher had to say about him: 

“Logan is a great student! He consistently demonstrates a solid understanding of the content. Also, he shows initiative and responsibility, reaching out when he has questions or concerns about the course. Great job, Logan.”

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Logan is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Logan!

Meet Reese B.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Reese B.!  Reese just needed a health course to graduate, what he got was much more from our Life Skills course. He gained tips about how to study and prepare for college, he learned about different personalities as well as how to cope. He was very impressed with the lessons and layout of the course and would recommend our courses to anyone searching for an online health class.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

For me, the pace and the way everything was instructed was what I enjoyed the most. The lessons were in depth, but also not complicated or difficult to understand. There was an assignment everyday, and the assignments that were given were not too drawn out; because of this, students were not overwhelmed with having to partake in an online study along with their regular schoolwork. Overall, the course was very well instructed and I enjoyed my assignments more that my regular school work. I would recommend it to anyone searching for an online health class.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I enjoyed learned about coping as well as about my personality in the course. Early on, students were taught about personalities and the different ways people have studied them, which was extremely interesting. Also, our final chapter involved transitioning into college and preparing students to make the change. Considering I am about to go to college in the next few months, it was very helpful to have a small course on this topic and give me news ideas about the way I study and am currently preparing for college.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

This course helped me try and work harder to get into shape as well as change my dieting plans. Along with this, I decided to see a professional for the issues I am facing rather than trying to handle them alone.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Leah Swedberg was my instructor for this class, and she was really helpful in reminded me of when I might have fallen behind or been doing exceptionally well during my course.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

Throughout my High school education, I lacked a health class. Because of this, I was required to take one online to graduate. Taking a course online allows me to focus more on my regular school work, relax for a while, then return to work so I can graduate.


Here’s what Reese’s teacher had to say about him: 

“Reese is a fantastic writer who is very conscientious about the quality of his work. He is very open and honest about himself, his past, his experiences and his hopes for the future. He demonstrates great maturity. He has goals and fantastic expectations of himself for the future.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Reese is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Reese!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week, Ash P.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Ash P.!  Ash is learning that planning ahead to stay healthy is important and has been able to apply what she’s already learned to her life.  SOW_AshP

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like that I can do the work at my own pace.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I’m learning how to plan ahead in my health endeavors.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Carone Learning gives real-world tips that I have applied to my life.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Brooke Watts has constantly pushed me to keep up with my work and accomplish things on time.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up because I am an AP student who is also in band, so I don’t have enough time in my schedule to take this course in school.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

This course has taught me many interesting facts about health that I did not previously know.

Here’s what Ash’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Ashlyn has shown a marked improvement in her discussion boards and getting caught up after a slow start in the course.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Ash is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Ash!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week – Angela P.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Angela P.!  Angela signed up for Anatomy through Carone Learning’s cFitness Academy because it wasn’t offered at her school. She is excited to be able to use what she’s learned in her every day life as well as in future courses she will take to pursue the career she wants in nursing. Angela

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

The thing I like most about my Carone Learning course is that I will be able to use my knowledge in my career as a registered nurse.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

Because I am responsible for studying and doing assignments my Carone Learning course has taught me time management. Time management is a skill I will use for the rest of my life.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Carone Learning has taught me how my body works, I am now able to make better decisions based on what is best for my health.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My cFitness Academy instructor has helped with my course goals by giving me feedback on assignments, updating progress reports, answering questions, and giving helpful tips on the course.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a cFitness Academy course because the courses I wanted to take were not offered at my school. By taking a cFitness Academy course I am prepared for more advanced classes in the medical field.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

cFitness has allowed me to work through health at a pace that fits my schedule. I am being more challenged and learning some great self studying skills because of online health.

Here’s what Angela’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Angela has done a great job in our Anatomy class! She is responsive to feedback and works hard to do well on all of her quizzes and exams. Great job, Angela!”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Angela is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Angela!