Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week, Ash P.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Ash P.!  Ash is learning that planning ahead to stay healthy is important and has been able to apply what she’s already learned to her life.  SOW_AshP

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like that I can do the work at my own pace.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I’m learning how to plan ahead in my health endeavors.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Carone Learning gives real-world tips that I have applied to my life.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

Brooke Watts has constantly pushed me to keep up with my work and accomplish things on time.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up because I am an AP student who is also in band, so I don’t have enough time in my schedule to take this course in school.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

This course has taught me many interesting facts about health that I did not previously know.

Here’s what Ash’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Ashlyn has shown a marked improvement in her discussion boards and getting caught up after a slow start in the course.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Ash is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Ash!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week – Angela P.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Angela P.!  Angela signed up for Anatomy through Carone Learning’s cFitness Academy because it wasn’t offered at her school. She is excited to be able to use what she’s learned in her every day life as well as in future courses she will take to pursue the career she wants in nursing. Angela

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

The thing I like most about my Carone Learning course is that I will be able to use my knowledge in my career as a registered nurse.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

Because I am responsible for studying and doing assignments my Carone Learning course has taught me time management. Time management is a skill I will use for the rest of my life.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

Carone Learning has taught me how my body works, I am now able to make better decisions based on what is best for my health.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My cFitness Academy instructor has helped with my course goals by giving me feedback on assignments, updating progress reports, answering questions, and giving helpful tips on the course.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a cFitness Academy course because the courses I wanted to take were not offered at my school. By taking a cFitness Academy course I am prepared for more advanced classes in the medical field.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

cFitness has allowed me to work through health at a pace that fits my schedule. I am being more challenged and learning some great self studying skills because of online health.

Here’s what Angela’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Angela has done a great job in our Anatomy class! She is responsive to feedback and works hard to do well on all of her quizzes and exams. Great job, Angela!”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Angela is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Angela!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week, Tayeha B.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Tayeha B.!  Tayeha has taken multiple courses through Carone Learning’s cFitness Academy.  She feels that the content is relevant and easy to apply in her life.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like that the lessons actually apply to our lives, they are very helpful at times. I like that we can work on it in our own time, and I also like how nice, and helpful my teachers are.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I have learned a lot about my body, and nutrition I think that I will help me in later on in life.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

My Carone Learning Course has helped me make healthier choices when it comes to eating in restaurants and making better decisions when going out.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has consistently emailed me, helping me with anything I need. I greatly appreciate how she treats me, I feel that she really cares.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I needed the extra classes in my schedule so that’s when I considered online classes, I chose this class because it seemed really interesting to me and I thought it would help me later on in life.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I absolutely love coming into school and getting to work on my online classes, working with my instructor is a dream, she is mannerly and very kind hearted. I recommend these courses to anyone who shares the same interests as me.

Here’s what Tayeha’s teacher had to say about her: 

“She has a lot of online courses and is doing well and keeping up in all of them! Her quality of work is great, I also feel her work is honest and genuine!”


Meet Maris W.! Carone Learning Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Maris W.!  Maris is currently taking nutrition through cFitness academy. She has enjoyed the structure and layout of the course along with learning about the affect nutrition has on the body.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

Overall, my favorite thing about my Carone Learning course is the way that each unit is structured.  There are lessons, discussion posts, reflections, and creative assignments.  Each of these aspects fully prepares me for the quizzes and tests.  Also, I love how I am engaged in each of these activities, and I find myself looking forward to each new unit.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

Currently, I am taking the Nutrition course, and I am amazed by how much I am learning about the affect our nutrition can have on our bodies.  One’s diet arguably has the most impact on one’s health, and it is very important that I learn good nutritional skills at my current age.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

My Carone course has taught me lots of important information about food groups, vitamins, minerals, exercise and more.  With the knowledge I have gained, I feel like I can create more nutritious meals and maximize the benefits of my food.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My instructor has been very helpful with my course!  I receive about two emails a week with my weekly status and helpful comments and notes.  My instructor is also very reachable, and she make sure that I know I can always contact her with questions.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a course through cFitness Academy because my school did not offer that many good choices for PE credits, and they weren’t flexible with my schedule either.  By taking the class online, I can focus on it when I have the time to dedicate to it.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

So far I have been very pleased with my Carone course because of the wonderful instructing, creative lessons/assignments, and the ease of the program.  I would recommend to take a Carone Learning course to anyone!

Here’s what Maris’ teacher had to say about her: 

“Maris has done a fantastic job in her Nutrition class, scoring near-perfect scores on every quiz and exam. She has made the course an authentic experience by applying what she is learning into her weekly activities. For example, she has worked on being active, substituting empty calories with nutrient-rich foods, and diversifying what she eats.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Maris is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Maris!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week Steven P.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Steven P.!  SOW_StevenPSteven, being already pretty physically fit was able to learn how to better fuel his body and make small changes in his fitness routine to better his health.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

What I liked most about it was it made me take notice of my physical fitness and my nutritional habits~that I basically was not really paying attention to.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

The most I learned was nutrition and how I need to change my eating habits in order to fuel my body.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

I was already pretty physically fit but as I said the course helped me pay closer attention and adjust things that weren’t necessarily the best.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has been very gracious and helpful whenever I needed anything.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up because that’s what we were told we had to do to be honest. I am appreciative though because she helped me see a new way of learning.


Here’s what Steven’s teacher had to say about him: 

“He’s logged in regularly, despite his extremely busy schedule, and submitted his assignments and fitness logs. Steven’s assignments have also been, for the most part, very well done and thought out. He also communicates with me fairly well and lets me know when there are questions or complications that arise. I’ve been impressed with his diligence to get and stay caught up so he can finish this course even though he had to do it in a limited amount of time.”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Steven is pretty great and we’re proud to have him in class! Thanks, Steven!

Meet Carone Learning’s Student of the Week Destiny C.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Destiny C.!  Destiny is enrolled in both Anatomy and Physiology, through these courses her interest in the science of how the human body works has grown and she’s learned many things that will help her in her future career. SOW_DestinyC

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I love how much I have learned so far taking this course. I love how much information is explained in each flash lesson and how we have extra resources to help us learn even more, like the vocabulary flashcards, and more. I especially love how nice the instructor is and how willing she is to help anytime I need it.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I am taking both human anatomy and physiology. I am hoping to become a surgeon or doctor one day, and the lessons I am learning in my courses, I will definitely need to help me in my career.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

I have learned in my courses how I am able to tell when I have a problem and I need to see a doctor. I have also learned many other things like how to check and see if my pulse rate is healthy, how to maintain a healthy diet, what to check for on our body, and more.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has helped me when I have needed any advice on how to complete an assignment, she gives me good feedback and even tells me when I have done something wrong, and more. She is a wonderful instructor.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a course, two courses actually, because I really wanted to take human anatomy and physiology. I love science and earning about the human body, and this course has helped me learn about the human body and so much more.


Here’s what Destiny’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Destiny has worked hard in both Anatomy and Physiology. She is quick to respond to my messages and shows a genuine interest in the content. On her last reflection, she was asked to build a model of the lungs. She followed the instructions perfectly and even attached a picture to demonstrate her work. Great job!”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Destiny is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Destiny!

Meet Shaylee S.! Carone Learning’s Student of the Week!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Shaylee S.!  Shaylee was put into her online course with us after a car accident left her home bound. She instructor has described her work as interesting and inspirational! Come read about our Student of the Week!

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like the fact I can work at my pace so to speak. As long as your ahead you can do as much as you can and with my schedule right now it helps out a lot.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I have learned how to deal with a lot of situations I have never personally faced before. Reading some of the situations and responses has helped me see how I should deal with the situation if it ever comes up.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

It has helped me realizes a lot of things that can be very harmful to you. It makes me see that there are changes I need to make to my everyday life and activity to make myself a healthier person.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

She has been very helpful. She was patient with me when I was unable to get stated, when I had questions, and when I was behind she gave me the time to get it caught up.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I didn’t sign up for this class. I started this year on home bound due to a car accident and I was put into this class. Although I was worried about the class it has been very educational and taught me many things about my health and the health of others.


Here’s what Shaylee’s teacher had to say about her: 

“She works hard to do high quality work and stay ahead of the pacing guide, even when she was very behind early on. Her Reflection Journal entries are particularly interesting and inspirational. Shaylee has also been great at communicating with me throughout the semester letting me know if she’s struggling or has questions, which is helpful to me as an instructor, especially an online one.”

In Shaylee’s Drugs and Alcohol course there is a lesson on refusal skills to help students know when to say, “No!” as well as practice saying, “No!” Here is Shaylee’s reflection and experiences using refusal skills.   

4.1 Reflection: Learning refusal skills is very important so you can feel confident when refusing drugs or alcohol when offered. Although you may not have had to refuse these things, what are other situations you have had to use refusal skills to make a better choice. (i.e. invitation to a party, skipping school, etc.) Explain your experience.

Response: I had a friend of mine ask me to smoke pot. Another one asked me to skip school and go drinking with a bunch of my friends. I told them both no, I wasn’t going to do it. One of them actually laughed and called me chicken. It really bothered me but instead of letting them see that it was making me mad, I just decided to laugh at him and tell him he was the one that was being stupid. Going out drinking and driving was one of the dumbest things he could do. After we both tried to make the other feel guilty, I walked away. A few minutes later he found me and said the he thought about what I had said and decided he would stay with me. I felt good to know that I kept a friend from going out and doing something extremely stupid.

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Shaylee is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Shaylee!

Meet Jordan W.! Carone Learning’s Student of the Week

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Jordan W.!


What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I like the repetitiveness of the assignments and discussion of the course yet with new lessons every week.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

I have learned how to solve conflicts and arguments maturely and efficiently.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

It showed me that proper nutrition and exercise are vital to be healthy.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My teacher has helped me have a better understanding of most necessary skills in life.


Here’s what Jordan’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Jordan….goes by Bailey. She is super young, and she is doing SO well with her Life Skills course. She is ahead but that doesn’t compromise her work. She submits very thoughtful discussion posts and reflections. You can tell that she takes pride in the work she does.”

In Jordan’s Life Skills health class she has been exploring her own identity– Jordan talks about her family heritage and what traditions her family has. 

Step I: Identify Your Family Heritage In one complete paragraph, tell about your family heritage. What is your ethnic or cultural background? What traditions does your family have? What things are most important to your family?

The most famous saying in my family is “treat others how you would want to be treated”. We value simple things such as kindness. We believe in being good people who genuinely care about others and their hardships. We believe in being God’s people and doing the right thing. We have the normal traditions such as being with family on special holidays such as Christmas. We open the gifts Christmas Eve and simply enjoy each other’s presence Christmas day. We try our best to attend church every Sunday. We also have some unique traditions such as eating ribs for Thanksgiving instead of the typical turkey. I believe my family originally came from Whales. I am not quite sure, but I know the majority of my family is Christian or Catholic.

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Jordan is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Jordan!

Meet Student of the Week Kassie F.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Kassie F.!  Kassie is taking our nutrition course and is excited about sharing her new knowledge and way of life. Here’s what she has to say about her Carone learning Kassiecourse.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

I love how the course pushes you to do your best and learn as much as you can in a short period of time.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

In my Carone Learning course, I have learned a lot about nutrition and how your body responds to what you put into it. This has helped me understand how to begin living a much healthier and happier lifestyle!

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

By taking this course, I have improved both my level of health and fitness mainly by learning what nutrients my body needs along with how much exercise is needed at my age.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My instructor has been very supportive of my goals and continues to push me to do my best. She does everything she can to help me succeed and is always very willing to answer all of my questions!

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a course through Carone Fitness Academy because I wanted to further my knowledge in nutrition. By taking this course, I have drastically improved my lifestyle for the better!

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

I highly recommend taking a Carone Learning course! The courses are very easy to understand yet allow a high depth of new knowledge.

Here’s what Kassie’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Kassie creates and works toward healthy goals. She submits good work, is on pace, and reaches out when she needs help. Her last unit exam was a perfect 100%. Great job, Kassie!”


Just as all of our students are unique, we think Kassie is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Kassie!

Meet Student of the Week Hayley L.!

Let us introduce you to our student of the week, Hayley L.!

Hayley has recently finished her nurition course, she was able to implement some great changes throughout her time in the course. Below is her experience with the course and her changes.

What do you like most about your Carone Learning course?

What I liked most about my Carone Learning course was how I could relate the things I was learning to real life situations and, in some cases, my own life.

What have you learned in your Carone Learning course that will most help you in your life?

What I learned that will most help me in my life is the role that nutrition plays in my life. Learning this has influenced my choice in food and has helped me improve how I eat.

How has your Carone Learning course helped you improve your level of health or fitness?

The nutrition course I took has helped me improve my level of health because it has helped me improve my eating habits. I’ve eaten so much better since learned how to plan my meals and choose healthy foods.

How has your cFitness Academy instructor helped you with your course or your goals?

My instructor has helped me with my course goals by being there to help any time that I needed it and by giving feedback on everything I did.

Why did you sign up for a course through cFitness Academy, and how has taking this course online been beneficial?

I signed up for a course through cFitness Academy because I thought it would be the best option to learn more about health and fitness. Taking the course online has been beneficial because I could work on it whenever and I could work at my own pace.

Please share any other comments you have about cFitness Academy or your Carone Learning course.

cFitness has allowed me to work through health at a pace that fits my schedule. I am being more challenged and learning some great self studying skills because of online health.

Here’s what Kristen’s teacher had to say about her: 

“Demonstrated a solid understanding of content (97% on Final). Also, showed a desire to apply the new information into her real life.”

In Hayley’s nutrition class she has been implementing what she’s learned about nutrition into her daily diet, she wrote about her experience. 

REFLECTION DIARY: November 19, 2016 My grandma and I have been doing really well with our meal planning. The things I’ve learned from this class has helped a lot with that. I feel so much better with myself. I’m eating more, so I’m not hungry as much. But the things I’ve been eating are healthy, so not only have I been feeling more full, I have been feeling more energized. The things I have to do at work make me more active. I have to walk around a lot; I am on my feet the entire time I’m there. I also have to lift various things and sometimes move shelves. The things I have to do aren’t much, but they’re more physically active things than the things I would do normally. When I first started, I would get so tired with almost all of my tasks. Not only was I tired because I was working after school, but I was tired because I wasn’t that used to having to move around so much. Now the only reason I get tired is because I’m working after school. I’m pretty much used to the physical aspects of my job now, and that makes me feel pretty happy.

Just as all of our students are unique, we think Hayley is pretty great and we’re proud to have her in class! Thanks, Hayley!