Thanksgiving Dinner

This Thanksgiving show gratitude and respect for your body by eating healthier foods. The MayoClinic has created a healthy Thanksgiving day menu with delicious recipes that are low on fat, calories, and sodium.


After eating healthier foods and eating until you are satisfied (not stuffed), the next step is to get moving! Rather than napping on the couch, do something active like going for a walk, playing a game of football, or playing an active Wii game.


Exercise is important for ALL ages! Now there is an excellent resource for adults over 50 called Go4Life. This National Institute on Aging exercise and physical activity campaign is designed to help improve the quality of life for older adults. Go4Life focuses on four types of exercise: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. It provides valid information for individuals, loved ones, health care providers, or organizations. For example, individuals may order a free Exercise and Physical Activity Guide or Video which is available in both English and Spanish.

Visit this great interactive site today:

Purple Power

People who eat purple and blue foods such as blueberries, plums, purple cabbage, black currants, eggplant, elderberries, and purple grapes receive powerful benefits. The compounds that give purple foods their color are called anthocyanins. Studies have shown that anthocyanins are connected to low blood pressure, high levels of HDL cholesterol (the good kind), an improved immune system, and enhanced memory.So this week don’t forget to add purple power into your diet!

The StreetStrider

Have you ever exercised on elliptical trainer at a gym and wish you could do it outside?

Now you can. StreetStrider is like an elliptical trainer on three wheels which feels as though you have blended together jogging, biking, and cross-country skiing. Your feet move in an elliptical motion which drives the chain forward, while your arms push the poles to also move you forward. Therefore, the StreetStrider gives you a full-body workout that is easy on the joints.

The American Council on Exercise sponsored a research team to compare the workout on a StreetStrider with an elliptical trainer. The results of the study concluded that the StreetStrider burned more calories and triggered higher heart rates than an elliptical trainer. Therefore, the StreetStrider is a great workout!

To see the whole StreetStrider study visit:

Maintaining Proper Posture

One hundred and fifty years ago, daily living required us to perform tasks that worked our entire core equally. This resulted in equally toned front, back, and side torso muscles. Therefore, good posture occurred naturally. Now youth and adults are required to do repetitive movements such as small strokes on a keyboard. As we sit at computers all day, our shoulders hunch over causing the front of our shoulders and chest muscles to shorten while the back of our shoulders, neck, and back muscles all elongate. Having our legs bent under a desk then shortens our hip flexors and psoas muscles which pull our lower back out of alignment. All of these things affect our posture.

So how do we maintain good posture (or gain good posture)?

First, we need to exercise. All exercise is great, but weight-bearing physical activity not only helps build muscle, but also helps improve bone density which will help improve posture. Be sure to add in core exercises as well. For sample core exercises, visit ACE-fitness

You can also begin making small changes such as adding short stretching breaks throughout your day. Or consider replacing your comfy chairs with stability balls!

Rules of Fives

With all the holiday parties and rich food available this time of year, holiday eating can easily turn to overeating. To avoid eating too much, keep in mind the Rule of Fives.

  • Count to FIVE. Taking food that’s in front of you can be almost automatic. It’s easy to eat calories without even realizing. Next time you reach for something, press “pause” and ask yourself if you really want or need it.
  • Stay FIVE Feet from the Food Table. When you are at a party or social gathering, if you stay close to the food table, you are more likely to keep snacking. Dish yourself a small plate and then try to stay at least five feet from the food.
  • Wait FIVE minutes before going back for seconds. Oftentimes food tastes so good, we go back for more before we’ve even had time to let the first helping settle. Allow yourself five minutes after eating and then determine if you still really want that second helping.

Fitness Wish List

What is on your wish list for this Christmas? This holiday season rather than just wishing for the latest and greatest electronic device, add a few fitness goals! Taking the time right now to create goals, or wishes, will help you stay on track during the holiday season.

goal is a wish that you are dedicated to; therefore, you plan and work for it. Follow these goal setting tips to help make your wish come true:

1. Think of a fitness wish and write it down. Be specific. Rather than just saying “I wish that I won’t gain any weight this holiday season”, add details to your goal. A goal should be specific and well-written so that you know exactly what you are aiming for.

2. Be honest and realistic. Are you really willing to not eat anysweets this holiday season? If not, don’t make that your goal! Give yourself an exact number of sweets or a specific type of desserts you may eat.

3. Tell your friends and family your goals and ask them to help you. Achieving goals takes more than your will power! By telling your friends and family your goals, you now have a support system to help you when you feel like giving up.

4. It is very motivating to see what you have accomplished. Find a way to track your progress. This way not only will you see what you have left to do, but also what you have already done.


Fiber is the indigestible portion of plant food. Fiber is a nutrient that has a lot of health benefits, namely:

  • Prevents health issues such as heart disease, some cancers, and digestive problems
  • Increases feelings of fullness (which can help with weight loss)
  • Can aid in lowering cholesterol

Snacks throughout the day are great for increasing your fiber. This week try a new, high fiber snack each day.

  • Day 1: Eat a whole grain, unsweetened cereal with at least 4 grams of fiber a serving. Or mix it into your regular cereal.
  • Day 2: Eat two apples today.
  • Day 3: Take on container of yogurt and mix 1/3 cup All-bran cereal, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds, and 5 large, diced strawberries. This yummy yogurt mix gives you a whopping 12.2 grams of fiber- nearly half your daily allowance!
  • Day 4: Dip baby carrots and broccoli florets into low-fat ranch dressing.
  • Day 5: Snack on whole grain crackers.
  • Day 6: Snack on a side salad with kidney beans or chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) on top.
  • Day 7: Mix together peanuts, raisins, a high-fiber cereal like All-Bran, and some chocolate covered soy nuts.

Holiday Maintenance

Every year millions of people indulge in the holiday spirit by also indulging in rich holiday foods. Most use the excuse that “it’s the holidays” and “I’ll start my diet with the New Year,” as they throw their self control out the window.

However, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. One can enjoy the the savory and sweet foods that surround the holidays without over-indulging. It’s okay to allow yourself an occasional extra scoop or a dessert. Just don’t make it a daily December ritual. When you are enjoying festivities or neighborly treats, try to do so in moderation. And when you are away from the merry-making, make a conscious effort to eat right.

You may not lose weight or increase your fitness level over the holidays, but you can certainly set a goal to maintain it!

Sleep Better

We all know from experience how important sleep is! Getting a good night’s rest can help improve your mood and your health. The Better Sleep Council has eight guidelines to help you get a better night’s sleep:

  • Keep regular sleep hours
  • Cut down on stimulants such as coffee, soft drinks, and medications that may contain caffeine
  • Sleep on a good bed
  • Don’t smoke
  • Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all
  • Set aside a planning or “worry” time earlier in the day
  • Don’t go to bed stuffed or starved
  • Exercise regularly

According to the Better Sleep Council, “Exercise enhances sleep by burning off the tensions that accumulate during the day, allowing the body and mind to unwind. While the fit seem to sleep better and deeper…you don’t have to push to utter exhaustion. A 20- to 30- minute walk, jog, swim or bicycle ride at least three days a week…should be your goal. But don’t wait too late in the day to exercise. In the evening, you should be concentrating on winding down rather than working up a sweat…The ideal exercise time is late afternoon or early evening, when your workout can help you shift gears from daytime pressures to evening pleasures.”